远眺太湖万顷碧波,静听窗前竹语呢喃。曲径通幽处,一袭婉转的背影转过水榭回廊;却上心头时,最忆莲叶何田田中那一点别样 晕红。当时光成诗,淡墨写下最浓的情愫;犹记你的回首,终难舍这一方山水,四时风景。画屏上最细的丝线,牵住你千里外的思念;回看斑驳的船舷,究竟是谁的故事?
在 裸心泊,开始你久违的与自我心灵的对话……
Overlooking the vast expanse of green waves in Taihu Lake, listening to the bamboo whispers in front of the window. The winding path leads to the secluded place, a graceful figure turns around the waterside corridor, but when I come to my heart, I remember the lotus leaf and the beautiful red color in the field.
Arrive, stop, leave...